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lately i have really been enjoying the branciforte creek walk in my neighborhood
on saturday while finny and i were walking it, my eye was caught by several huge purple dahlia petals that were scattered on the path
then someone passed us with a big bouquet of dahlia blooms— it is dahlia season here in santa cruz and i thought there must be a flower stand someone set up
sure enough, a short distance up the trail a woman named iris had dozens of the bold, colorful blooms out for the taking at her back gate
she and her husband have an incredible garden as well as being the instigators of the pipevine swallowtail project— their goal is to restore the california pipevine swallowtail butterfly to their former habitat locally by growing and distributing to any neighbors who want one a california pipevine plant, which the caterpillars feed on
a few months ago i looked forward to seeing all the caterpillars feasting on the vines they have planted along the trail and i was even lucky enough to see a few of the dazzling irridescent blue and black butterflies fluttering around their garden
later on saturday i noticed that my neighbor had put out a wonderful cart full of flowers and produce from her yard, which i’ve started calling middle earth because she has the hobbit touch with her garden!
i was feeling so fortunate to witness the generosity of folks sharing what they love with passersby and asking nothing in return except maybe gratitude
there is always and abundance of generosity and gratitude if i look for it
i am anticipating all the ways i will get to share generosity and gratitude once i am on the road
my neighbors’ mini farm stand