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i grew up in the forests of pennsylvania— when my parents moved us to state college, we were the last house on the street and beyond that was forest
i remember heading out among the trees as a family with a wheelbarrow and spade to bring home forest treasures for our backyard— violets, wind flowers, lady slipper orchids and mountain laurel
the forest and the trees have always had a special draw for me, so when i saw this headline on my atlas obscura daily email, “12 forests with secrets hidden within,” i was immediately intrigued!
as i looked through the wonders in these forests i got excited about the idea of leaving my own secret offerings in the forests i visit— i imagine leaving a tree clootie with a blessing and documenting the different locations here in my blog!— i’ll write more about tree clooties another time
if you want to check out altlas obscura, they have lots of inspirational places to dream of visiting— i’ve got some of them on my list
i really felt these words from a walt whitman poem they shared spoke to what i am looking forward to—
“Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road
Healthy, free, the world before me,
The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.”
and the long, unexplored road, too!
this breathtaking image is copyrighted by the artist, kevin atherton, and used with permission— Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.I. Image credit Forestry England.