““What Madrone offers creates a magical, reverent, calming environment where the story can penetrate your soul and heart. Madrone, I admire your thoughtful intentions, planning and continual learning. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts! Your down-to-earthness makes you stand out from other Waldorf-style puppeteers I have encountered.””
— JILL - Home Preschool Owner
““Madrone’s puppetry is Magic, Wonder, Imagination, Expansion! Every Thursday when I say it’s time for the puppet show is the most excited the children get for the transition from outdoor play to story time!! It is incredible and makes my job so easy! I love watching the awe in the children’s faces as they watch every show. The puppets and the scenes are absolutely incredible! It is one of my favorite times of the week!! I have also loved the puppetry in the garden events, it is truly a magical evening!! Thank you for all that you do and all that you bring the children, our schools, and the community!””
— HEATHER - Garden-Based Preschool Owner
““Madrone has a magical way with storytelling. Her beautifully handmade puppets, lovely voice, and gentle pacing leave kids (old and young) in rapt awe.” ”
— AYALA - Parent & Educator
““She is very good at them (the puppet shows) and does good voices for the puppets. Friends should go see it because it’s so great!” ”
— NORA - Age 4
““Madrone creates a quiet presence where children are invited to slow down and savor timeless tales of magic and enchantment.
In our hurried world, Madrone gives children the opportunity to breathe deep and reflect on the simple gifts of life where the wonders of nature abound and magic is a part of everyday life.
Madrone creates a world of quiet wonder on the space of her lap with silk scarves and felt puppets, weaving stories of simple joys and the magic of nature. Her tales are a potent tonic to the fast-paced tech world we live in.””
— DARA T. - Teacher & Puppeteer
““Madrone has been preforming with her felted wool puppets at Sun for Seedlings, and the magic she brings each week is something our students look forward to with great anticipation. The children are always engaged and captivated by the stories and beautifully crafted puppets. Our program is nature based and set on a small farm, and Madrone’s story telling always reflects important themes here at our school and expands the children’s imaginative play throughout the week. We would recommend any school, program, or event include the magical performances from Madrone and Tiny House Theater.” ”
— KATIE RUE WOODS - Director & Owner of Sun For Seedlings Nature Program
““If you haven’t seen this, you’re not living!” ”
— JONAH - Age 9
““Madrone’s puppetry and storytelling creates a magical, absorbing, peaceful scene. The pacing of the stories are perfect for the kids— it slows them down and doesn’t overwhelm them. It is the highlight of our school week!””