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tonight i am tired, but a good and satisfied tired cause so much got done on my vardo today!
walt came and finished installing the washer stop and the back up camera mount— so now the final steps needed for my vardo to be driveable at any moment are in place!!
he is going to make me my over cabinet pot nesters and my toaster oven cubby and have them ready to install in about a week
my ex came and helped me too
we turned on my diesel heating system and tested that, as well as the water pump— we checked the gray water valve set up to make sure there were no leaks
we took a spin to the hardware store to get some parts with a detour to betty burgers, yum!— we got to go and ate in the little park next to the natural history museum at seabright beach, while finny begged for fries
he helped me get the pins out of my cab to camper door hinges so i can sand them down a bit because with the bench cushions in place that door can’t swing open— i’ll have to lift it off and i want those pins to come out easy
we removed the pull out cabinets and took them into my studio so i can stain and seal the part that will be exposed to the outside when they are open
i ordered some grab bars for stepping up into the camper and spent a lot of time looking this cool website i found that has a lot of stuff for tiny house life— i’m going to order a magnetic knife rack and a foldable, cabinet mounting trash container
my growing tool collection saw plenty of action today!— but i am definitely learning that you will always need another tool
it’s a good feeling to be learning a whole new skill set and language as part of my transition to my vardo
on the 28th i’ll be bringing her here to my cottage and moving everything in over the four days till the first— then ventura here i come!
christmas present from my son 2 years ago :)