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once i was back in santa cruz last august i jumped into re-opening tiny house theater
i got my slab wood delivery for the first phase of my “story forest” i’m creating in my studio, and robert installed them so beautifully!
i figured out all the content for my fall/winter events, wrote the text, took all the photos and got them up on my website and other event forums— squarespace, my website platform, has a new (since i was last updating in 2020) feature for listing and booking events that makes the process pretty easy for website users
it is a bit limiting with character restrictions for event descriptions and i can no longer change the listing from “session” to “event” which is annoying, but overall it is a good feature
i got bookings for birthday parties, holiday events and a family picnic at the Live Oak Green Grange!
i created a “sacred days of winter” personal insight series using guided meditation, journaling and collage to discover our inner wisdom
feels so good to finally be back sharing all the things i love!
made this adorable unicorn for a unicorn themed birthday puppet show