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i made reservations to camp at costanoa for the new years weekend, from new years eve night through january 2— finny gets super freaked out and anxious about all the things folks are blowing up to “celebrate” on new years eve
it tuned out new years eve was the beginning of the terrible storms that came through california in january— it was a bit dicey driving up, but i really enjoyed my stay— new years day was gorgeous and sunny and we went on 2 really nice hikes— the following day was raining again so i stayed in and made split pea soup, read, worked on a felting project and watched top gun maverick again!
costanoa is about 30 minutes north of santa cruz, just past ano nuevo state park, where the elephant seals hang out in the winter
costanoa has cabins and a lodge as well as camping— there is a small general store on the property as well as two places to eat— there are hiking trails and you can schedule a massage— in the summer you can rent horses— they have a playground for kids and bikes for borrowing— it’s right across the 1 from the ocean so it has amazing views
i just love it up there!— i went back this past weekend and was shocked to see the change in the beach across from the campground, which has turned into a 10 ft cliff!— it was raining again but just like last time the next day was clear and sunny
i’m thinking of going back again in march!
we got caught in a sudden downpour but the reward was this gorgeous rainbow