the purpose of my blog is to document and share images, questions, ideas, information, discoveries, excitement and events as i journey from dream to reality with my tiny house theater
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this afternoon there was a fire sky— that browned out sunlight like the early stages of a solar eclipse and a gray pallor over the blue
there are big fires burning right now up north and i knew it was just a matter of time until the smoke would reach us
its less than two weeks until the one year anniversary of my first fire evacuation last august 17— my second came september 28
with that and everything else that happened in 2020 my life was pretty much in a brown out— it may have seemed like i was still functioning but we all know brown outs can cause serious damage
i got a cptsd diagnosis in april and have been doing brainspotting for the last few months— similar to emdr, brainspotting is a relatively new type of therapy developed to access, process, and overcome trauma, negative emotions, and pain, including psychologically induced physical pain
for a long time i’ve been doing what i thought i had to to survive
in my session today i came up with the statement— i’m doing what i need to to live
living is really different from surviving— my image was a rainbow in the clouds in a blue sky
living means getting into my vardo
living means trusting i know what i need and how to take care of myself
living means believing that tiny house theater is successful when i follow what excites me and share what sustains me
living means i’m not just getting by any more— i’m flourishing— i’m a healthy ecosystem with my body, mind, emotions and soul in balance
at the end of my session, that rainbow in the clouds wasn’t just an image— i was living it :)
taken 11-20-20 in amazon park, eugene, oregon