13 days to go!

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some things have been following me since my house was sold and i’ve become a nomad

my tea kettle for one— i got that tea kettle from a wonderful store in los gatos called domus way back in 1995— a few years ago one of my airbnb guests dropped it and the handle broke off— but my son glued the end back on, turned the handle around and reattached the strong end to the kettle

i just discovered that it isn’t magnetic!— so i have to figure something out for using it on my induction cooktop— cause i’m not giving up my tea kettle

another thing is my spice cubbies

i got those back in 1996 when my ex and i bought our brand new stock option house in silicon valley— my mom, sisters and i went up to palo alto to the hold everything store— i love having a place for everything and being organized and i got a lot of stuff at that store!

i remember afterward we had a late lunch at piatti’s— a great italian restaurant that used to be in the stanford shopping center— i got the margherita pasta in a big white bowl and we all shared a bottle of wine— it was such an exciting time

my tea kettel and cubbies came with me to the ben lomond airbnb when i first moved, then to the yurt, and now here to my cottage— they make me feel at home and comforted in all the places that aren’t really my place

and tonight i finally got my spice cubbies mounted in my vardo!!— it makes it feel like the vardo is really becoming my home and my place

tomorrow i have some more sealing and painting to do and i get to drive her to go pick up my signs for the exterior

i can’t wait to share photos of my vardo with her signs on!

been working late with my ex every night this week to be ready for my september first drive away!

been working late with my ex every night this week to be ready for my september first drive away!