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i am not sure when i first learned about the dusky footed woodrat— it could have been when i was a volunteer ranger out at henry coe state park in the early ’90’s— they had a fantastic and very comprehensive training program for the volunteers
i do remember actually seeing a woodrat scurry into her house at rancho san antonio back when i was hiking there very regularly when my kids were at the waldorf school of the peninsula— that is sort of rare because they are nocturnal
they have the most amazing dwellings and i love looking for them on my hikes— once you spot one there is almost always at least one more near by
awhile ago i thought about writing a story series about woodrats called “tanglewood tales”
when she was in the early grades, my daughter really loved a story series about mice called “brambly hedge” by jill barklem and i love those stories too!— they have a very english country vibe and i think it would be fun to have a similar kind of imaginary world for woodrats with a california vibe
so now i am starting to research woodrats and starting to write these stories!— i am calling the first one “adventures in twig town” since many woodrats build their homes with huge collections of twigs
another long held dream i am starting to turn into a real thing— a book!
this woodrat home in schwan lake open space is 3-4 feet high