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on sunday morning i hosted a class at my studio to wet felt eggs
every time i work with wool, i am amazed all over again at how versatile, forgiving and gorgeous this fiber truly is
this is a relatively simple activity that gives such diverse results— everyone has a unique style that emerges as they work with the wool
kids from 4 to 94 can do this!
i know anyone can see how to do this online, but doing things together in an in-person class is a completely different experience— coming together with people you may not know, creating something beautiful, and admiring one another’s results
when you go home, you take more than just your egg— shared experiences create community
learning or experiencing something new with others gives us something in common— and gives us the chance to give and receive encouragement and direction— to share who we are and what others may know without a screen in between
that is why i focus on providing experiences, not things, for folks to spend their life energy on
i believe experiences enrich us much more than buying things— being with other people matters
just sayin’
the beauty of these eggs doesn’t need commentary!!