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last june i got to perform an original nature tale at the grand reopening of the eugene farmers market!
my good friend jan lives in beautiful cottage grove which is just south of eugene— while spending thanksgiving up there with jan and her family in 2021 i got to meet jan’s neighbor, nancy— nancy and her husband are organic farmers and they have a wonderful herd of sheep on their property— of course i immediately thought of nancy as a kindred soul because of our shared love of wool!
later nancy contacted me to ask me to create an original puppet show for the reopening event— we brainstormed together a bit and the result was “crow’s flyabout”— the story of a “curious, clever, cautious and companionable” crow out seeing the world
it was a big accomplishment to write and memorize the story and songs, make crow and have it all ready to go in the midst of my studio expansion— but i did it and it was so much fun!
now i have it in mind to make a white crow so i can tell the story of how raven stole the sun!
crow is a very handsome fellow!
on his flyabout crow met spider,three little speckled frogs, the cloud on the mountain and the sun!— and he learned a lot from them all!