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yesterday i went to the 2022 pajaro valley quilt association quilt show!— in person!
after 2 years of covid preventing this annual event, it’s back and beautiful with the theme of “good vibrations”
3 huge buildings full of quilts, wearable quilt art, vendors selling all kinds of merchandise and live demos!
i got interested in quilts early on— my maternal grandmother, mimi, had some beautiful purple tulip quilts in the guest room at her house that were made by her mother-in-law’s quilting group in shawnee, oklahoma— mimi was all about purple everything— even purple and pink decorations on the christmas tree every december!
in my 20’s i was fascinated with heritage and amish quilts— i made a few small sampler type wall hangings but i didn’t stick with it— i was too impatient with all the small shapes and detailed hand quilting
then when my daughter was 4 years old, we decided to make a quilt for her best friend for christmas— i had made a simple quilt for my daughter’s birthday in november and she wanted mathilda to have one like it
i got out my boxes of fabric scraps— because of course i have many boxes of fabric scraps!— and she helped me pick some out— i cut out the 6 inch squares and lauren helped lay them out in a pleasing way— i rearranged a bit when my daughter wasn’t looking ;)
i liked the simplicity of just big squares so the colors, patterns and feeling quality of each fabric could really be experienced— i loved the challenge of melding all the elements into a bigger message— i used stitch-in-the-ditch sewing technique so the quilting part was done on the machine
later i moved on to big quilts with 3” squares in the round the world quilt pattern— i called them spirit quilts— a visual story about the essential qualities and nature of something/someone/some experience/some place
i’m going to make a quilt to donate to the foster child adoption quilt project— and one for the veterans quilt project
but first i have to take my trusty old kenmore sewing machine in for a tune up— meanwhile i’ll be digging through my scrap boxes and uncovering old treasures to create new quilts
so much beauty, creativity and generosity!