day 8 in my vardo!

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i’m still down in ojai— i love my hipcamp spot!

tomorrow i’m heading up to morro bay

it’s pretty draining getting used to everything but also affirming that i’m doing it!!— i’ve been too tired and overwhelmed to do my posts in the evening

i am definitely not used to the heat down here and that is very tiring, too— but today is cooler and i took a wonderful walk on the beach at the seaside wilderness park

feels like i still have lots of errands to do

last night i wrote a monkey story for my frida kahlo storytelling set— tonight i’m going to watch the movie “frida” with selma hayek

this morning in my card reading i had this— putting down happy roots into that which brings you most into balance and joy

even if those roots have wheels ;)

the view out toward the horse farm

the view out toward the horse farm