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the last couple days i’ve been heading out to scotts valley to park during the day to catch some more sun since it’s been so gray in santa cruz— it’s 5:30pm and i’m up to 60% on my solar battery storage— when i wake up tomorrow it will be down around 40%
wes and savana told me to turn off my inverter at night to save my charge but i can’t because i use my sound machine and my fans overnight
this morning when i was on highway one heading out to park and walk at skypark with finny, people kept zipping into the generous space i leave between me and the car ahead of me
and that often makes me have to brake— sometimes they squeeze through when everyone is already braking which makes me have to brake hard!— it can be a little scary because bessie the beast— which is what i’ve named my truck— is 8 tons of wood and metal and it takes a lot more to slow her down than a little corolla
it is a good reminder that i don’t know what the other side is experiencing in any situation and being curious and considering things is a good thing for everyone involved
there is a little free library i always like to check when i walk the skypark path and today i found a really interesting and appropriate book for me right now— “the long haul— a trucker’s tales of life on the road” by finn murphy
when i still had a stationary house i wanted to make a little library box out front but put a story scene in it that i could change slightly each week— i thought it would be so fun for families with kids to come by and see a window into a little world of enchantment and imagination that they could talk about and look forward to discovering what had changed
maybe when i find my new home base i will be somewhere where i can still do this!
you can see the book i took in there if you look!