getting situated

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after i left the olive ranch i ended up at fort hunter liggett for a couple days— i guess it is deer hunting season? and the campground was really full but peaceful— pretty hot during the day and cooling down quickly in the evening

lots of oak trees and ground squirrels racing around

the harvest moon was amazing

today while i was parked a woman named marie knocked on my door and made a video of me— check out her you tube channel!

she is a fellow sewist!— i hope we will get together sometime and sew :)

on my nature walk i caught sight of a glint of light on a spider web

i was trying to figure out how to capture it in a photo and after a lot of trial and error i positioned a dark tree trunk behind it

i was thinking how this idea shows up in my life— like it can be hard to see the light and the amazing parts without the difficult things as a contrast

and how i often have to work at getting my attitude right so i can really see and appreciate the amazing things that i have

i have to want to see the good or it just disappears like the delicate spider web— if i step just a little one way or the other suddenly the light doesn’t reach it from where i stand

i have to want to move toward the good and to see what is right

you can see the spider glowing!— on the tree right in the middle

you can see the spider glowing!— on the tree right in the middle