a busy day

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and a long day!

i’ve been thinking a lot about my compost situation— i really want to keep my food waste out of the landfills but i’m not sure how i’m going to work it out

when living stationary i had two five gallon buckets that i would trade off and by the time one was full the other was compost

i emptied the container i keep inside the vardo into a bin i bought the other day at ace— i have it in my “basement”— my flatbed storage bins— i mixed in dry grass and leaves and i know that it will eventually become compost but what about bugs and rodents?

i guess i’m just going to see how it goes because i refuse to put my food waste in the trash

i took finny to ventura pet barn and gave him a bath

i stopped at fabrictown an bought some really nice white cotton lawn— i found a beautiful old embroidered table cloth with scalloped edges in my studio storage and i’m going to make a version of the wylder dress with it and using the lawn for the body and the table cloth for the neck and sleeve ruffles and gathered tiers on the skirt

i went to whole foods— which took forever because it was a huge store and i didn’t know where anything was and the checkout line was super long

then went to rei to look for a canvas bag to protect my gray water valve but struck out

stopped at the container store to look for fridge storage bins and found the perfect bins!— but they only had two and i need six— so i’ll have to stop at another container store somewhere else and get the rest— i was bummed because i love getting my stuff all organized and just right and it would have been so cool to open my fridge right now and see it looking all good!— but it’s just two bins looking good and the rest is super messy

my fridge is small and only has 11” deep and 16” wide of shelf space so getting it organized is a big priority for me— plus stuff shifts around in transit

it’s kind of inconvenient in a way that i can’t have things shipped to me but at the same time it makes me appreciate being able to look at the stuff and to practice delayed gratification and patience

then my final stop was barber rv to get a water hose and an inlne filter cause i’m going to do my first load of laundry tomorrow!

then i was hot and drained so i headed to the seaside wilderness park again!— me and finny walked on the beach then had dinner before coming back to our spot here for the night

going to sleep tight tonight :)

my unorganized fridge

my unorganized fridge