garden growing

the purpose of my blog is to document and share images, questions, ideas, information, discoveries, excitement and events as i journey from dream to reality with my tiny house theater

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sometimes i miss having a tiny part of the earth to call my own and turn into my own magical kingdom by way of visit after visit to the local garden centers

i love looking at the gardens wherever i go and seeing all the creativity and personality in them

when i first started tiny house theater back in 2017 i had a summer series of puppet shows on my back patio

attendees would come to the garden gate and get their ticket and a scavenger hunt list— while they waited for the show to begin there were fairies, gnomes, and all number of enchanting little discoveries waiting to be found amongst the green and growing garden plants

i loved setting this up and finding new additions for this event until that house was sold in 2019

now i am the vicarious beneficiary of all the beautiful gardens i encounter walking my dog

i think puppetry and storytelling are a little like gardening— you gather your cherished themes, colors and moods and carefully cultivate them into a unique expression of beauty, faith and growth

there is a lot of trial and error involved and you have to be willing to accept that some of your trials won’t flourish

you get into things up to your elbows and spend plenty of time watering, feeding, weeding and pruning

all for the transcendent minutes when you are in an eden of your own making and its sum is so much greater than its parts

it must be the pixie dust

they were just jumping out to greet us this morning!

they were just jumping out to greet us this morning!