the purpose of my blog is to document and share images, questions, ideas, information, discoveries, excitement and events as i journey from dream to reality with my tiny house theater
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i started my journey to tiny living in november, 2016 when i attended a tumbleweed weekend workshop in sonoma, ca
the innocence and optimism of that experience seem light years away ;)
i’ve had 7 different builders working on my vision in the time since then
i’ve encounter some potentially dream shattering difficulties and still not sure how a few of them will play out
but i’m remembering a conversation i had with my son while i was visiting him when he was in school at university of denver
we were out to dinner at this great restaurant, sitting outside, and he was telling me about a dream he had
i was taking him through a dream discovery protocol i like to use, a variation on work i did in a robert moss workshop i attended at esalen
as we talked through the dream, the jist of it was “the cost of wisdom”
the price we pay in living each day so we can grow— physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually
we actually can’t live without causing harm— most of it unintentional and unknown— but mostly, the good that comes from the costs that we and others bear so that we can move forward balances out because, in the end, we do far more good than bad
this vardo has had a steep price, but fortunately i’m on an installment plan, getting my lessons delivered a little at a time
sometimes it is hard to keep going, but that will just make finally getting there all the more worth it because i’ll be moving in with so much experience and so many stories to tell!
a hard to keep going moment when replacing ducting, seeing part of my framing builders hacked away to accommodate the dryer vent
an even harder to keep going moment when i realized they had also cut my steel frame! :0