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today while i was in the midst of my morning routine i noticed a hummingbird outside my window, sitting on a tomato cage, in the midst of his or her morning routine!
the hummer would take periodic breaks from preening to scan the sky or do some head scratching
of course i stopped what i was doing (after i finished brushing my teeth) to watch this enchanting garden guest
i took a few photos, and in looking at them, i could see what i wasn’t seeing as i watched— the blinds and the screen really obscure the image of the hummer in the photo, but they barely registered for me as i gazed with delight at my little visitor
i was struck by how seeming obstacles or problems suddenly disappear from awareness if i am distracted away from them, or if i focus on an opportunity or a solution instead of the inconvenience
for the few minutes the hummer was out there, my interest in the bird completely minimized the significance of the blinds and screen
i am trying to follow this “magic” when it comes to things that upset and bother me about trying to move forward with my vardo and tiny house theater by focusing past the obstacle out to the idea that has purpose and authenticity for me
as i was pondering this thought, suddenly the hummer took off
i finished my morning routine so grateful for this unexpected insight and encouragement from my brief connection to the hummingbird!
here are some fun facts about hummingbirds
the hummy is the gray blob in line with the dark space between the second and third step to the cabin, a little to the left of the right hand string in the blinds