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friday i received a very distracting text— this is the best explanation i have for what happened after that because everything seemed ok till it wasn’t!!
i went to whole foods and bought groceries, then stopped next door at cvs
i was meeting some friends at lunchtime and hurriedly put my groceries away
after our lunch hour gathering, i went to best buy to get a new phone charger cord, then to drop off my recycling at grey bears, then headed to walt’s to talk about a couple things i need his genius for in my kitchen— walt is the amazing fix it magician who comes up with the solutions and the know how to make what i want to get my vardo perfect!
at some point after lunch while i was on the road i heard it— the noise in the back
when i got to walt’s shoppe and opened the door to my vardo i found two of my drawers open and the wooden stop in between them was ripped out and in pieces on the floor
i am not sure exactly what happened— did i overload the bottom drawer with my cranberry juice and case of sparkling water?— did i forget to close the drawers??— did the safety latch fail???
what ever the reason, i now had to perform a repair— thank goodness i was right there at walt’s shoppe and he made me a new crosspiece of much stronger wood in a jiffy!
i was confident if not discouraged at first, since a drawer disaster has already happened to me— but then as i was screwing in the last screw for the latches on the new piece of wood the screw head came off!— i tried to get the stem out but eventually walt had to save the day with his super duper pliers
this happened 3 more times!— then i had to get some better screws from walt
then the way the original crosspiece was installed ended up to be impossibly difficult for me to repeat so walt came up with a better, stronger, much simpler install method
so now my drawers are fixed and i got to hang out for a little while in ultimate manland!
i was really kind of shaken up by the whole 5 hour ordeal and called a friend for some reassurance
did you learn anything? she wanted to know— and right away i said yes!!!— i can’t do this alone!
even if i am living and traveling solo i still need my tribe of people to help me over the rough spots
i am so grateful for my tribe!!
and this isn’t even the half of it!!