letting go

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i sold my corolla yesterday

it was another big step in transitioning to fulltime life in my vardo

it was hard for me to think about letting it go because it was so connected with my sweet girl shadow who i lost last year not that long before the wildfire evacuations

i could still find some of her black hairs in between the seats sometimes

but it went to a good new home so that made the transition easier

i’ve had to do so much letting go these last few years— i want to be able to say i’m feeling lighter, freer but lots of times i just feel sad

i saw my friend jennifer on saturday— she stopped by my puppet studio with her sister to drop off some laundry bags i left at her house when i was visiting in los osos

she has been studying an interesting chinese number reading system for life patterns

she gave me a bit of info about what is coming up for me— which is “the eye of the hurricane!”

this year the theme is “ride the wind” and i joked it’s more like being a burnt bit of fire detritus tossed about in a cloud of smoke

i guess another way to say letting go is stop resisting

whatever it is that is your “problem”— maybe run toward it with your arms open wide

then maybe if your problem is bad trouble it will turn and run the other way when it sees all that excitement and enthusiasm coming at it!

and if your problem is good trouble?— maybe your arms become wings and you just fly right into that hurricane they are warning you about and head straight for the eye, the calm in the storm, the still center your life turns on— and it’s all good

goodbye little car

goodbye little car