the purpose of my blog is to document and share images, questions, ideas, information, discoveries, excitement and events as i journey from dream to reality with my tiny house theater
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check it out here!
about a month ago jarrod came through santa cruz and made this video— that was before all the covid-19 stuff hit and shelter in place took over our lives and our dreams
it’s exciting to see my dream up there for others to be inspired by!— thank you again to jarrod for coming by and spending the time to get my story!
it was like a weird throw back to hear myself talking about the travel plans i was making for this summer :(
and i just found out yesterday that my puppet teacher will not be doing puppet camp this summer in boulder, rather it will be online :(((((
i’m happy i still have the opportunity to get the content, but will really miss the experience
now i’ve got much of my work online on my new youtube channel and just trying to stay connected to my dreams and stay afloat, both materially and spiritually
wondering what the gift is in this reset— keep hearing byron katie in my mind— “thank goodness!— i’ve been spared!”
my dream is still moving forward— i know that— just not the way i envisioned
i know one day we are all going to look back on this time and say “remember when the corona virus hit??” and share our stories, sad, crazy and inspiring
i keep trying to remember to say to myself— this is the best moment ever!!!— cause it’s the only moment!— and we are all in it
stay safe everyone— this too will pass
can’t wait to have my housewarming party!— i will send more pics once james comes back from “family leave” bonding with his new baby boy!