the purpose of my blog is to document and share images, questions, ideas, information, discoveries, excitement and events as i journey from dream to reality with my tiny house theater
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still in the queue as a draft, but posted on facebook— posting it now as a catch-up— an indication of the complete meltdown of my life!!
the date for my planned puppet club launch has come and gone-- for the last two weeks i have been evacuated from my home due to the CZU lightning fire complex here in santa cruz county, my whole life upended, staying with friends in petaluma
i've been feeling so overwhelmed mentally, physically and emotionally
i'm so grateful the beautiful land i have been living on for the past year was spared-- i don't know when we will be able to go back
i'm feeling cheered by friends that have reached out
i’m back in santa cruz today and seeing the blue sky and walking my beloved open space across the street from my studio gives me hope
please send good energy to tiny house theater and puppet club
many thanks dear friends!
this photo is my last view on the land the morning i was evacuated, the sky blood red with smoke