the purpose of my blog is to document and share images, questions, ideas, information, discoveries, excitement and events as i journey from dream to reality with my tiny house theater
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i share the space around my yurt with a variety of creatures— little birds, ravens, squirrels, mice, spiders— but i feel particularly attached to the banana slugs who frequent my kitchen
a while ago one of the slugs found it’s way into my cabinet and the bananas that were in there
it was hanging around for a few days but then one night while i was cooking dinner i guess it decided to have dinner too and came sliding out from under the counter where it was resting and i accidentally stepped on it!!
i was so upset!— it slooooowly turned around and went back under, leaving a lot of thick slime behind
i thought for sure it was going under there to die, but about an hour later it came out again and went on it’s way
then i was so relieved!!— i’m not sure where it went cause it takes them 10 minutes to go about one foot, but i thought i saw it a few times over the next week
i have been wondering about baby banana slugs too— is there a certain time of year they are born?— do they look the same as adult slugs?
a couple weeks ago i saw a medium size slug and a small slug!— the small one looked way more brown than the big yellow ones i’m used to seeing
it says online that they reach adult size in just one growing season and can live 7 years
some more slug facts here
wonder if that little guy will remember me??
i’m telling mom you’re eating banana before dinner!